Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Over the Christmas Holidays, Maggie and I had an opportunity to invite a number of relatives over the house for a very spur of the moment get together. The real stimulus for this mini-reunion was the recent funeral of our sister-in-law Judy Wilkins. Judy will forever be missed. However, Judy's passing was a call to action to get things moving in the right direction for a very much needed larger family reunion. While we have lost a wonderful and caring person in Judy, she has taught us all a valuable lesson. That time is special and very much an unknown. So let's make the time to get together, value our extended family and make every effort to avoid having our next family reunion at a funeral parlor or cemetery.

So... Let the games begin! We are planing to continue the FAFA that was started by the nine brothers and sisters - The Cruice Family - Bernadette, Walter, Peter, Bobby, Jane, Jack, Ann, Mickey, and Billy. I am not sure what we will call this but, for all the right reasons, let's just continue to call it a FAFA. Forever a Family Affair

We now have a pavilion booked for June 19Th at Peace Valley Park in New Britain/Doylestown. This also happens to be the day before Father's day. We have the pavilion reserved for the FAFA and the objective was to get it right next to the playground. I was informed by my Family Reunion partner and co-organizer Ruthie, that this was a critical requirement for all the little Cruices!

Over the next few months, we will be organizing a number of activities for the FAFA. Please feel free to post to this blog and let us know your thoughts, suggestions or anything that you think will help. We can use this as a central posting but please let's not limit this to the Blog. If you are on face book, I suggest we use it. I would suggest that we use any tool that will enhance the communication and helps us plan to make this a very special time for all of us.

Thank you . And Thank You Judy - The Lord does work in strange ways!