Friday, January 29, 2010

Over the Christmas Holidays, Maggie and I had an opportunity to invite a number of relatives over the house for a very spur of the moment get together. The real stimulus for this mini-reunion was the recent funeral of our sister-in-law Judy Wilkins. Judy will forever be missed. However, Judy's passing was a call to action to get things moving in the right direction for a very much needed larger family reunion. While we have lost a wonderful and caring person in Judy, she has taught us all a valuable lesson. That time is special and very much an unknown. So let's make the time to get together, value our extended family and make every effort to avoid having our next family reunion at a funeral parlor or cemetery.

So... Let the games begin! We are planing to continue the FAFA that was started by the nine brothers and sisters - The Cruice Family - Bernadette, Walter, Peter, Bobby, Jane, Jack, Ann, Mickey, and Billy. I am not sure what we will call this but, for all the right reasons, let's just continue to call it a FAFA. Forever a Family Affair

We now have a pavilion booked for June 19Th at Peace Valley Park in New Britain/Doylestown. This also happens to be the day before Father's day. We have the pavilion reserved for the FAFA and the objective was to get it right next to the playground. I was informed by my Family Reunion partner and co-organizer Ruthie, that this was a critical requirement for all the little Cruices!

Over the next few months, we will be organizing a number of activities for the FAFA. Please feel free to post to this blog and let us know your thoughts, suggestions or anything that you think will help. We can use this as a central posting but please let's not limit this to the Blog. If you are on face book, I suggest we use it. I would suggest that we use any tool that will enhance the communication and helps us plan to make this a very special time for all of us.

Thank you . And Thank You Judy - The Lord does work in strange ways!


  1. Let's Get the Party Started!!!!!

  2. Does anyone know Bobby Cruice's email address? Does anyone talk to Bob on a regular basis and can tell him about the date.

  3. Just a reminder.... we have a call tonight at 7PM. Thanks,

  4. Thank you for participating in the call tonight. Here are some quick notes to keep everyone up to date.

    - Start time is 11:00 AM at Pavilion number 1. I will post a map of Peace Valley Park on the blog so everyone will know where to go.

    - Important to pass the word through the families and make sure they have the blog site.

    - Everyone can pack their own food but there will be a table set up for Desserts and Appetizers. Everone is encouraged to bring one to share.

    -Activities - Some thoughts for various activities that will be organized into age groups. Younger than 5 etc.. etc..

    -If you can take pictures of your family and post them on the Blog, it would be great to see them prior to the reunion. Some ideas may include looking on the web for a family tree that we can use to cut and paste family headshots onto the tree. All ideas are welcome!

    - Patty Cruice has volunteered a band to come and play at the reunion. Any other talented Cruice family members that want to participate are welcome to provide entertainment. The next Amercian Cruice Idol! Give it some thought!

    -T-Shirts with a family crest for the reunion. We will need your sizes and we will need to know the cost.

    -We will be posting photos on the Blog of the first FAFA. Please feel free to post any photos that you may have of your family on the Blog.

    -We will be taking Photos of every family at the FAFA to add to the original FAFA book.

    I am sure I may have missed some points. If I did please feel free to add.

    Thanks, JW

  5. Hi all! Sorry I missed the first call. The second call is my son's birthday. I'll do my best to attend. Anyone know how to post pictures on the blog site?

  6. Just a reminder! We have a call tomorrow at 7:30. I hope everyone can make it.


    Please take a look at the above link... It should direct you on how to post pictures.

    Let me know if it works!

  8. OK Here I am. Beware of what you may read it may turn you up sidedown. In the future I'll write more

  9. Just a quick reminder that we have a planing call tonight at 7PM! Thanks,

  10. Nice talking with everyone tonight. I finally found where to post a picture, but it wouldn't let me do it. It said the picture was too big. I'll keep working on it.

  11. Good call last night, thanks. I will post some photos of John, Tony, Alise, Maureen and I as soon as I find them and figure out how to post. Our head count will be 5.

  12. Hi Everyone, - Thank you for taking the time to participate in the call last night. Just a couple of housekeeping reminders. 1) Let's make sure that we continue to pass the word in you families 2) Let's get the link for the shirts on the Blog 3) I will follow up with Maryann and Jane 4) Ruthie will follow up with Dot. 5) Terry will get Bobby's email address or phone number and I can get in touch with him. 6) Ruthie will make up a schedule for games and activities 7) Patty is going to get the softball, baseball stuff bases etc. 8) We are all set with the band! If there is something or someone I missed, please let me knmow.


  13. Just palying with some of the features and trying to get Ruthies family on the web

  14. When you post your comment, there is a link on the comment (PREVIEW). First hit the Preview and then select add a photo. Then go and post your comment and the photo will appear with your comment. Hope this helps. Ruthies photo appears too small.
    Thanks again for participating!

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  16. pic...left to right John, Joe, Tony Cruice

  17. I think it's a wonderful idea that this is going to be a yearly event. I am sorry to say that I don't know my cousins very well, but truly look forward to the photos of the families that will be posted.
    I vaguely remember this first FAFA in June 1981, I was only about 14. I remember thinking...."Wow....there sure are alot of Cruice's around"....Have a great time.

    Uncle Pete's Daughter

  18. Hi Bernadette,

    Thank you for your post. There are alot of Cruices! I think we will do this every even number year. So the next one will be 2012. Please feel free to post a picture of your family. Perhaps we can plan for the 2012 reunion. Thanks Jim Wilkins ( Aunt Ann's Son)

  19. Joe, Love the picture. We are huge Flyers fans here.

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  21. The Cruice-Baumgardner Family. From left to right are my daughter-in-law Sara(26), Eric(26), Tim(24), Matthew(15), Michael, Sarah(18) and Me(Terry Cruice Baumgardner). Joe, this picture was taken on New Years Day. We had a big outdoor "Winter Classic" party. I told you we were huge Flyers fans!

  22. I did it!! I got a picture up! I'm so proud. Nothing is impossible!

  23. I am having fun already! John Nicolas has the design for the shirt, but has to change in order to put cruice on the shirt.

  24. From left to right: Erin(28),Behind Erin is Emily (21), Julie(34),Evan (18mos), Ruthie, Stan,Laura (32), Lia (2), Ryan
    Front: Ali (3), Vivi (5)
    Tall Guy--Gary

  25. Great picture. Nice looking family Ruthie

  26. Ruthie - Nice picture... I am still trying to find one where all the boys are together! :)

  27. Glad you like my fam pic! Below is the website for the tee shirts. Just copy and paste into your browser:

  28. For some reason the site will not post this link for the tee shirts. I'll try again.

  29. Dear Cruice Family,
    Have a great reunion, I've been in Arkansas since 1972. I have three (3) grown daughters, three (3) sons-in-laws, and three (3) grandchildren (ages 6, 4, and 15 months). I only know the older cousins: Jack, Larry and Beverly. I can also remember Aunt Mickey, Uncle John Hynes, Uncle Billy and Uncle Jack. I am sorry I can't be there, but I'm think Joe will be coming and I'm sure you'll have a bang up time. I don't have a computer at the moment and I am visiting with my sister, Bernadette. I am using her account at the moment, because I wanted to say hello to all.

    Best Regards,

  30. oh....I forgot to mention that I do remember Ruthie....and all of the Aunts and Uncles. Please give my best regards to everyone and I am so sorry I can't be there to enjoy the fun as well, but I will be there in spirit....Love to all...


  31. The total count for our family is 13 which includes my whole family (7), Mickie's family (5) and my Mom. Looking forward to the big day!

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  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Not sure if I am going to be able to make the conference call tonight. Not feeling well. I did want to tell you that Mickie is going to try and get a banner donated from Pepsi that we can write or paint on "Cruice Family Reunion" FAFA 2010 (or whatever). We can use it to mark our pavillion and/or to take family pictures under. I'll keep you posted.

  35. I was sitting here at my computer waiting for the notice for the conference call. When it didn't arrive, I thought that Jim was unable to initiate it. I called the cell number, but had to leave a message. Did the meeting occur?

  36. Ruthie,

    We changed the time to 9PM. Sorry we missed you. We will have another call in two weeks. I will send out the information.

  37. to see my family photos please be my friend on facebook. photos are to large to post here.

  38. oh by the way this is regina cruice rohan. on facebook as regina rohan

  39. Three (3) Hynes-Klause members will be there. My oldest will be on Senior Week. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Thanks Jim and Ruthie for orgainizing.

  40. Recent photo of the Wilkins Boys at Drew's Graduation from the Univ. of Maryland.

    Fear the Turtle!

  41. If anyone is interested in playing golf on Friday prior to FAFA, please let me know and I can arrange some tee times at Bucks County Country Club. You can either post it on the blog or just give me an email at - Thanks,

  42. Thank you everyone for participating in the call last night.

    We covered a lot of good stuff!

    - Remember to order your FAFA tee shirts. The last day to order is this week. The delivery time is 8-10 days. So.... if you haven't ordered your tee shirts, you may want to do it this week.
    - Our current count is about 140 family members. That is awesome! If you have extra chairs or tables, please bring them to the Pavilion.
    - Check the Blog for directions. There will be ballons and a FAFA sign off of Rte 202 and Kelley Road. The directions will be on the Blog later this week!
    - Mickey and Terry have a Banner that we will be able to get our pictures taken with our family members. We also have the original FAFA book for families to sign and update.
    - We will be posting a schedule of activities later this week. Thank you Ruthie!
    - Jane Robinson will be taking care of the name tags. There will be a Registration Table. When you arrive at the Pavilion, please take a moment and sign in and grab a name tag. The table will only be open for 90 minutes. The FAFA will start at 11:00 and run until Dusk.
    - Please remeber that there will be a dessert table. All families should provide a dessert to share!
    - Larry and Terry are checking on Bullhorns.
    - We will have music. The music will start at 3:00PM. Thank you Patty and Craig!
    - Uncle John will say grace at Noon! Thanks Uncle John!
    - Maryann and Dot have the children's activities together and have been working hard to make this a great time for all the younger Cruices.
    - Throughout the day we will be providing updates on each of the families. Each family will need to assign a scribe to list updates on their families activities, i.e. recent weddings, graduations, births, etc... During the day, we will be providing updates on each of the families activities and upcoming activities. The update sheets will be provided at the FAFA. We want to make sure that we get these so we can provide updates throughout the day!
    - Our next call is next Monday, June 14th. This will be the last call.
    - Jack Cruice continues to be responsible for making sure we have sunshine for the FAFA :)

    If I overlooked something, please update the Blog.

    Thank you everyone for all your hard work and creative ideas. What a very talented group! It is hard to believe that we are only a few weeks away! You have all made this very easy and I appreciate all your help! JW

  43. Hi everyone - I finally got a new computer and was able to sign on to the blog - havn't figured out how to to do the pics yet..stay tuned for that. Just wanted to thank everyone for their hard work plannning this special day. You guys are doing a great job. It will be a great day for all!
    Janie Hynes Robinson

  44. Hi all,
    I've been getting updates from my sister Patty... sounds like a great day is planned!
    We (my husband Frank Barnett and our 2 kids) are a "maybe" for the FaFa but just started following the blog and wanted to say hi!
    - Jane

  45. Need to make a correction- If you are on Rt 202 you will turn on to Keeley Road and continue to Ferry Rd. Continue straight and the road will dead end into the lake. Make a RIGHT on Creek Rd. You will see Pavilion 2 on the left and continue down Creek Rd. and Pavilion 1 will be on the left.

  46. Jane- I really hope you are able to make it. I would love to see you and your family. I am sure they are all growing up fast. How old are the children now? Hope you can make it!

  47. Hi, Jane!
    Hope you can make it! I haven't seen you for a dog's age.

  48. Cruice Family Reunion
    Forever A Family Affair
    June 19, 2010

    Time: 11am to 9 pm
    Place: Peace Valley Park
    399 Creek Rd.
    Chalfont, PA 18914
    1. Take Rt. 202 to Keeley Rd.
    2. Continue on (Bear slightly right to follow Keeley)
    3. Keeley Rd. becomes Old Iron Hill Rd.
    4. Continue to the T at Creek Rd.
    5. Turn Right on Creek Rd.
    6. Go past the Main Park Entrance which will be on the left.
    7. Take the next entrance on the left into our private little area,
    Pavilion #1. Look for our signs or balloons.

    Things to Bring:
    • Folding chairs for spectators, comfort etc. (or blankets)
    • Table cover, utensils, paper products
    • Food and drinks for your own family
    • Dessert to share with all at the dessert table
    • Baseball gloves etc. if you want to play.
    • Updated info on addresses, births, phone, email
    • Go to Pavilion #1 (There will be plenty of shade too!)
    • Water bottles (can refill), suntan lotion, hats etc.

    Things to Note:
    1. Sign in at the registration table: Get nametags, make a “link”
    Sign up for a family picture! Erin Nazimek (Ruthie’s daughter) has offered to take pictures. You will sign up for a specific time. Gather your gang and arrive at “Photographer’s Corner” at that time. She will send the pictures through Snapfish to your email account. You can order whichever ones you choose in whatever size or just pass it up! No one is making money on this!
    Leave your email address with Erin if you are interested.

    2. There will be a “Kid’s Station” available from 11 to 4. Dot Peterman and Mary Ann Roberto have planned great activities for kids. Some will take place at specific times. (Note red print on schedule!) Other things will be ongoing, such as crayons, markers, bubbles, playdoh, storytelling, songs.

    FAFA Schedule
    June 19, 2010

    Black Print= Adults Red Print= Kids
    11:00—12:00 Register/sign-up for Family Photo/ Fill in Family Updates
    Who’s Who?? Make Foam name tags!

    12:00 Grace: Uncle Johnny Hynes

    1:00—2:00 Let the Games Begin! Bocce Ball, Horse Shoes, Volley Ball
    Scavenger Hunt—one adult per 4 children, please! Volunteers?
    1:30 SHHHHHH!!! Make a Father’s Day Surprise!

    2:00 Sack races (All Ages!) John and Tammy Cruice
    1. Ages 2 to 5 5. 26 to 34
    2. 6 to 9 6. 35 to 45
    3. 10 to 16 7. 46 to 55
    4. 17 to 25 8. 56 to infinity and beyond!

    2:00—2:30 Face Painting

    2:30 Egg Toss (Jim Wilkins)
    Softball Game (4 innings) John and Tammy Cruice
    Flag Football--John and Tammy Cruice

    2:30 Friendship Bracelets: Make one, Give One, Receive One

    3:30—4:00 Be A Light! (Craft and song)

    4:00 ALL Meet at the Pavilion---Family circle LINK ON
    Kids bring your lanterns to the family circle!
    Jim will announce special updates/ accomplishments/congratulations for the family occurring from January, 2010 through June, 2010.
    5:00—9:00 Enjoy yourselves!! We have the pavilion until 9:00.


  50. Kudos to everyone who helped to make the Cruice Family Gathering (FAFA) such a wonderful experience. Thanks also to everyone who attended. Although it was hot, it was such a great time. I really enjoyed seeing all my family. Everyone looked marvaleous!! Hope to see some of you before 2012!! But until then, Live, Laugh, Love and be well!! Love to all! :)

  51. Hi Everyone! - I want to thank again all the cousins that made this happen. Without your help in getting your families to the FAFA and making them aware of all the details, an event like this can't happen.
    The Blog is a great way to continue our updates during the next 24 months. If anyone needs help in getting on the Blog, please let me know and I will walk you through it.
    I will be posting the older FAFA pictures on the Blog once we have the new pictures available (compare and contrast?). I will also be providing the updates/announcements (family sheets) that we were unable to get to during the FAFA. There was so much information and all of it was so good that we need to share it with everyone!
    Thanks again to everyone that helped and participated and let's take a moment to remember all the ones that were not able to participate. They were all very much missed!
    You are all an amazing group and I am very proud to be part of such a great family

  52. Thank you, Jim for actually pulling it altogether! It was a great reunion. I have my family updates and the was a lot to gather...while visiting etc. We had a great turnout!
    I will send the info via attachments.
    Laura will upload the info to Snapfish as soon as she has time.

  53. Happy 4th of July Cruice Family!
